Primal Aspects

The Primal Aspects are twelve distinct domains that the six Primal Spirits

are tied to, each Primal Spirit sharing two of its Aspects with other Spirits.

The Primal Aspects


The Aspect of Energy gives one the ability to create, shape, and manipulate various forms of energy, and are able to transform or convert it into a number of different manifestations. Some common forms of energy that Acronists use are kinetic, radiant, and thermal. This aspect has ties to the power industry and the military, due to it's applications in combat and energy production. Furybearers are some of the most sought after Acronists.


The Aspect of Memory gives one the domain over the concept of Memory: fabrication, suppression, influence, detection, erasure, and more. Due to the Law of Aversion, this aspect is tricky to use on other living creatures without consent, but this Aspect is often used to provide memory restoration and preservation. In rare cases of extraordinarily talented Acronists, Memory is also used to create artificial constructs with sentience.


The Aspect of Material gives one the ability to shape and manipulate matter, alter it's physical properties or phase state. Most often, this Aspect is uses by Engineers to aid in the construction of infrastructure or manufacturing.


The Aspect of Gravity gives one the domain over the fundamental force of Gravity. Primarily, Convictions of this Aspect relate to increasing or decreasing the Gravitational pull of the environment, individual objects, or in rare cases, living creatures. The Aspect of Gravity is used by the Conveyance Authority to operate gravity-powered trains.


The Aspect of Space gives one the ability to manipulate spatial reality, the boundless three-dimensional extent of the Universe in which objects have relative position and direction. Most commonly, this includes increasing and decreasing the amount of space between points or objects. Most notably, Acronists that use Space create Junctions, which are links between two points in the world, allowing for instantaneous travel between places. The most notable of these are Prismagates.


The Aspect of Illusion gives one the ability to create, shape, and manipulate illusory mirages or simulated reality. These effects are unable to affect reality itself, merely the perceptions of living creatures with Threads.


The Aspect of Force gives one the domain over fundamental forces. Force is a more loosely intepreted Aspect, and it's exact nature is somewehat dependant on the personal beliefs of the Acronist. Most commonly, Force relates to the raw power of Nature, manifesting in the form of wind, storms, and other weather phenomenon.


The Aspect of Life gives one the domain over biological life. Most commonly, this Aspect takes the form of an affinity with plants and animals. Due to the Law of Aversion, this Aspect is typically infeasible to be used for the outright manipulation, creation, or destruction of Life.


The Aspect of Growth gives one the ability to manipulate the progression of things. In a sense, Growth is the domain over chronology. Applications of Growth are most often applied to medicine, in order to expedite the healing process.


The Aspect of Shape gives one the domain over the shapes of living creatures. Due to the Law of Aversion, applying to this Aspect is nearly impossible, except on the willing, or on oneself.


The Aspect of Will gives one the domain over the volition of living creatures. This aspect, at a most fundamental level, manipulates the willpower of living creatures, bending them to the Acronist's wishes. In most regions of Naos, this Aspect is highly frowned upon, as it is attached to the Primal Soul.


The Aspect of Emotion gives the domain over the emotions of living creatures, controlling their amplitude and shape.
