The Argent

The Argent is the largest religion in Naos, and the primary faith that worships The Luminary

as a diety, most prevalent in Aljiuedum and Tharsis. It is also referred to as The Holy Church of the Luminary. Collectively, both the religion itself, the clergy, and those that follow the faith are referred to as the Argentia.

Argent Theology is primarily based on traditions involving the structured worship of the The Luminary

, along with a variety of holy texts, clergy members, tenants, and influence on other aspects of society such as Sciences and Politics through Protoxies.


The Luminary

First and formost, the Argent worship The Luminary

, a neutral force that gives life to all creatures on Naos. The Luminary is generally not regarded as good or evil, but a force that can be reasoned with in order to have a more favorable life or next life. The Argent believe that when you die, your soul is transferred across your Thread and resides within The Luminary until such time that you are reincarnated, and your soul is transferred back down a new Thread into a new body.

The Primal Spirits

The Argent recognize the five Primal Spirits

as minor dieties in their own right, although they are not regarded as being as powerful as The Luminary, or omnipotent, omniscient, or immortal in any way. They are thought of more as extensions of The Luminary and reflections and personifications of both the natural world---animal, plant, and human alike. They are to be revered, but not worshipped. The Spirits are believed to be capable of both benevolent and destructive acts, often as a direct retalitation to the state of the world or humanity. The Argent believe that the Primal Spirits each reside on their own non-physical plane of existence, and that they manifest in the world for specific reasons.

Spirit Sanctums

Spirit Sanctums are shrines built across Naos

in order to facilitate the crossing of the spirits from their realm into the mortal one. Without them, the Argent believe the Spirits connection to the mortal world would be interrupted, causing chaos.

The Corrupt Primal Soul

The Primal Soul

is a unique case in that The Argent does not revere it, but instead fears it as a black mark on the purity that is The Luminary, a manifestation of the darkest sins of humanity.

Cleansing of the Soul

The Argent not only believe that the Spirits themselves are personifications of the world, but that they appear as a representation of one's own soul. Each spirit in the Argent represents certain facets of humanity, and if a minor spirit appears to someone, depending on the nature of the visitation, it may be a good or bad omen.
