Rysha Tan Mei

Rysha Tan Mei

Rysha Tan Mei was a student at The Basentia

at the same time that Rikkart Lauten was. Rysha was born an Elemental Scion of the Primal Water Spirit. She was born to a wealthy, aristocratic family in Tharsis. When she came of age, she was sent to Aljiuedum to attend University at The Basentia to become an Acronist per family tradition.


Rysha is a calculating and careful, but compassionate. Her upbringing in the aristocracy of Brava

taught her the ways of leadership and how to treat people of all stations---with respect. Before coming to the Basentia, she was taught a variety of subjects by royal scholars such as Maths, Sciences, Philosphies, and more, though she favored Science the most.

The Basentia

At the Basentia, she struggled with trying to fit in---many of the students were very different to her---and not because of her blue skin and hair. She could not stand the arrogance that many of the wealthier students had. They, like her, were destined to become leaders within their community, but they treated the notion with a disrespect that disgusted her.
