
Acronists are trained wielders of Luminous Magic

. As it takes a great deal of talent and dedication to develop strong Convictions, many Acronists studied for many years to become proficient at Magic.

Pure Acronist

Incredibly rare, Pure Acronists manifest Convictions

purely from their self-belief, without the aid of any Primal Spirit.

Primal Acronist

More common bar far, especially in the Eastern lands of Selar

and Edelun, Acronists bind themselves to a Primal Spirit, leveraging the Spirit's connection to The Luminary to more easily manifest Convictions and prevent the worst Backlash.

Young Acronist attemps to bind the Primal Air

The Exchange

To bind a Primal Spirit

, an Acronist must perform The Exchange, a ritual that varies wildly in difficulty and implementation depending on the Spirit and Acronist involved. This Exchange is sometimes permanent, but not always, and some bindings even need to be maintained through consistent ritual by the Acronist.

The Aspects

Each Primal Spirit

is tied to three Primal Aspects, and each Spirit shares two of their Aspects with an adjacent spirit.

Types of Primal Acronists


Furybearers are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Fire. They are granted access to the Aspects of EnergyEmotion, and Memory.



Stonesingers are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Earth. They are granted access to the Aspects of MemoryMaterial, and Gravity.



Farseekers are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Air. They are granted access to the Aspects of GravitySpace, and Illusion.


Vastcaller are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Water. They are granted access to the Aspects of IllusionForce, and Life.


Boneforger are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Bone. They are granted access to the Aspects of LifeGrowth, and Shape.


Soulrender are Acronists who have bonded with the Primal Spirit of Soul. They are granted access to the Aspects of ShapeWill, and Emotion.
