Luminous Magic

Luminous Magic is Magic that is created or performed through The Luminary

. This feat is accomplished through the Thread. Utilizing the direct connection with the Luminary allows one to bend reality to their will through a Conviction. Creating anything meaningful with Luminous Magic is no small feat, and although all living creatures on Naos have a Thread, few can utilize it to distort the fabric of reality to their will. Wielders of Luminous Magic are called Acronists.

Permanent Magic

It is possible for Convictions

to become Fixed Truths if the manifestation is strong enough. Runes can help retain the efficacy of Fixed Truths, though almost all Fixed Truths degrade over time unless regularly maintained or are upheld by a Collective Conviction.


For most denizens of Naos

, Luminous Magic requires years of training to form a strong enough Conviction to manifest any one of the Aspects, usually with the aid of a Primal Spirit.

The Law of Diametric Truth

When manifesting Convictions

, it is the Acronist's belief, or will, that convinces the Luminary that reality behaves in a certain way. The greater the discripancy between the Acronist's Conviction and the Cornerstone, the greater the potential Backlash.


Some cultures on Naos

believe that certain symbols or runes are tied to the different aspects of Primal Spirits and Luminous Magic. The reality is that while these symbols don't intrisincally have any power over certain aspects, it has been found that using runes can aid in the strength of the Conviction formed while casting luminous magic. Runes can also provide a convenient way for Acronists to read and understand certain Fixed Truths that have been laid upon a particular place or item, so are usedemdash as a form of common communication.

The Primal Spirits

While a particularly talented and rare Acronist

may be able to manifest Convictions with a direct link to The Luminary, most do so with the aid of a Primal Spirit. Not only do Primal Spirits allow an Acronist to manifest Convictions of greater magnitude, they also rebuff potential Backlash.



are manifested using different approaches depending on the desired end result.

1st Heirarch | Abecar

Novus - Perception, knowing, revealing

Regus - Control, Manipulation

2nd Heirarch | Gnostis

Vertus - Transformation, alters the natural state of being

Armus - Resistance, bolsters defences against a specific aspect

3rd Heirarch | Kyros

Parus - Creation from nothing

Demus - Destruction, decay, disintegrate, or diminish

Loss of Magic

Individuals who have had their Thread

severed are called Fades, and can no longer manifest Luminous Magic or be directly affected by it.
