Lucian Cullpepper

Lucian Cullpepper at the Basentia

Lucian "Luci" Cullpepper is a Stonesinger

and professor at the The Basentia, teaching Edification. He was close colleagues with Enzo Quint before his dissapearance.

Events of Enzo Quint's Dissapearance

Lucian was brought to the Saetorim Institute

by Corrin Fane to consult on the case of Enzo's dissapearance, and Lucian has since become directly involved in the investigation, joining Eileen Quint, Arlo Livingston, and Sulazar Stillwater.

During the investigation, Lucian was at the Central Bank of Meripol

when it was robbed by Roz Daras, and was instrumental in defeating the criminal.

Lucian was also able to obtain an invitation to one of the Lauten Family's

galas in order to investigate their potential involvement in Enzo's dissapearance. There, he talked personally with Rysha Tan Mei, the Speaker of the High Authority in Tharsis, where the ruins of Mehnateruna are located. who mysteriously appeared at the event. Through his conversation, he was able to determine that she was present twenty years ago when Rikkart Lauten's thread was severed, and convinced her to become their ally in the case to provide them with further information and resources.
