Roz Daras

Roz Daras with his Energy Weapon

Roz Daras was a Furybearer

who held up the Central Bank of Meripol.

Robbing the Central Bank of Meripol

Daras, with two other criminals, held members and guests of the Central Bank of Meripol in order to break into Enzo Quint's

lockbox. It is currently unknown at this time if Daras was acting of his own accord, or if he was hired by an unknown party.

In the heist, Daras carried a weapon, a gun powered by his own Energy


He was eventually thwarted by Lucian Cullpepper

, Eileen Quint, and Sulazar Stillwater, bashed over the head by a piece of rebar by Sulazar Stillwater. After, Daras was taken into custody by the Vigil.
